Facts and Figures of this Orthopedically Handicapped Hostel:
Orthopedically Handicapped Hostel is located near Champapet, Hyderabad (10 Kms from Koti)
::::About the Hostel::::
The Govt Hostel for Orthopedically Challenged is the hostel maintained by the government social welfare department. This hostel consists of 90 female students who hail from different districts of AP. The reason for joining this hostel is to pursue their higher education and living in Hyderabad to feed themselves by finding some jobs. All the inmates of the hostel are crippled, physically challenged in different forms and percentages.
W.H.Y. Foundation has been approached by the Matron of the Old Age Home (which we have been supporting since 2008 every month) who has been given an additional charge of this hostel as well.
All these students who are staying in this Hostel would get 500 rupees per month as a pension under disability quota from the government.
::::Our Observations::::
1. The kitchen of the hostel does not have proper utensils and cutlery to cook and serve the food for all the inmates
2. Some rooms have a leaking roof when it rains (because of asbestos ceiling)
3. Most of the rooms do not have proper ceiling fans
4. More than 4 people live in the same room
::::List of Items Required ::::
1. Ceiling Fans – 10
2. Steel Containers or buckets to serve rice (room by room) – 5 or 6
3. Mixer / Grinder – 1
4. Kadai
5. Vessels to make Tea, cups to serve curry
6. Refrigerator to store vegetables
7. Chairs – 10
After lot of planning and logistics we were able to provide our support to students in this Orthopedically Handicapped Hostel.
Thanks to Nikhil Bora, Anand Bollu, Kirankanth Reddy, Sriharsha Kalidasu, Mahesh Babu, Sireesha Vasa for helping us conduct this event.
The inmates of the hostel were excited to see the help and moreover the people who spent time talking to them which was the unexpressed feelings of the people at the hostel.
Thank you each one of you who are consistently being a crucial part (one way or the other) of activities, which are done by W.H.Y.FOUNDATION.
This is the reason we believe Workingfor Humanitywith You ( W.H.Y. Foundation.)
Wonderful moments captured here: