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Books Donation Drive – 2018 – Successfully completed in Doma and Pargi Mandal

Books Donation Drive – 2018 in Doma and Pargi Mandal government schools have been successfully completed on 22nd and 23rd June 2018. We were able to distribute #FreeNoteBooks to around 4000+ students in 40+ Government schools.

We sincerely appreciate and thank all our volunteers AP KIVish TelaNarendar PnrJaveed ShaikSaikumar AU MudaliarKishore PolisettyViji SatyaTejaswaroop Nemalipuri and Swatantraveer Arya for participating in two continues days of Books Donation Drive 2018.
No words can describe your efforts in breaking your back and tirelessly working hard for past two days and nights to ensure every student in 40 government schools received the Notebooks to continue their education.

We also sincerely thank every donor of #WHYFOUNDATION, who has been a great support for this activity.

Kindly feel free to tag our respective donors and volunteers who have been of great support to W.H.Y. Foundation. Also, you can share this album with them in a personal thank you note.

For more images from this activity, kindly visit:

#WHY  #BooksDonationDrive #GovernmentSchools#Telangana#Education #Donors #WorkingforHumanitywithYou

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